College of Child and Adult Psychotherapy
Certificates are offered at the end of Short Courses, Infant Observation Programs and Seminar Series.
Led by our Director
Ms Rosalie Birkin, our team of highly qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapists offers a range of seminars and programs related to infant, child and adult psychotherapy.
These programs include Seminar Series, Reading Groups, Infant Observation, and Short Courses in a particular aspect or mode of psychotherapy or in a particular theory, for example Kleinian theory.

The Director is Ms Rosalie Birkin. Rosalie along with other qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapists provide the services offered. She has been in private practice for over 30 years. She has had extensive training in a range of therapies. She holds a number of qualifications including a Masters in Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and is a graduate of the 4-year adult psychoanalytic psychotherapy training program conducted by the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists.
Rosalie has had over 30 years of clinical experience in psychotherapy with adults, adolescents, children, and infants and their families.